IFGTB Coimbatore Recruitment 2022:Institute of Forest Genetics and Breeding (IFGTB) has released its vacancies to apply for the posts. They had released its vacancies for candidates to apply for only one designation. They invite the candidates to apply for the posts of Junior Research Fellow, Senior Project Fellow, Project Assistant, and Field Assistant, Junior Project Fellow. There are a total of 27 new vacancies that have been released. This is the Tamilnadu Jobs. Applicants who are selected will be placed only in Coimbatore. Applicants can check eligibility details like educational qualification, age limit, and all other important details.
Candidates can start sending their applications from 19.02.2022 and the final date to send the application will be 18.03.2022.
Organization Name
Institute of Forest Genetics and Breeding (IFGTB)
Total vacancies
Job Role
Junior Research Fellow, Senior Project Fellow, Project Assistant, and Field Assistant, Junior Project Fellow